Struc Scripts

Faster Engineering Design & Modelling

Struc Scripts are a collection of grasshopper components for Structural designers and modellers


Produce a rendered 3D model of your structure in seconds. Allows Rhino/Grasshopper to act more like traditional structural documentation software such as Revit or Tekla.

RC Sketcher

The most comprehensive RC detailer available for grasshopper. Draw 3D reinforced members quickly based on parametric inputs. 

RC Sketcher BREP

Add reinforcement bar to existing solids

Frame Crafter

Reads an architectural model and creates a clean structural model. Save time on manual structural modelling.

Auto Frame

Create a smart structural beam layout for any building shape.


A script to automatically determine wind load distribution on a building.

Notes. Watch a video of this script here.

ETABS & Spacegass Conversion

A simple one click way to get your ETABS or Spacegass structural model into Grasshopper or Rhino.

Watch a video of this script here.

Timber Designer

A script to design timber members straight from a model in real-time.

Watch a video of this script here.

Composite Designer

A script to design composite steel beams straight from a model in real-time.

Watch a video of this script here.

Truss Analysis

A script to speed up Tension-Compression truss analysis.

Watch a video of this script here.

Struc Scripts Revit

Struc Scripts Revit is a separate package that integrates Struc Scripts into Revit

RC Sketcher Revit

Export rebar from the Struc Scripts RC Sketcher to Revit

SpaceGass to Revit (dynamo script)

Get your SpaceGass project into Revit.

Download the dynamo script here

Others coming soon...

Note: Struc Scripts only supports the features listed on this page. It does not support all of the functionality sometimes demonstrated in our videos.