Frame Crafter
Frame Crafter
Turn an architectural model/CAD file into a structural analysis model
Upload an Architectural Model in Rhino (.3dm) format with the 'Choose file' button below
View the resulting structural analysis model in 3D or download in different formats
What this aims to deliver:
Turn any building CAD file into a structural analysis model
Clean up overlapping, unconnected or skewed geometry
Join all members at nodes!
Adopt rationalised floor heights
Split primary and secondary members correctly
Output as Rhino (for grasshopper)
Remember: Rhino can convert many types including AutoCAD, ArchiCAD etc. or you can export from Revit.
Works best if the uploaded model has had electrical, mechanical, plumbing and landscaping etc. removed.
Walls used for bracing should be modelled as solid elements.
This is intended as an anonymous service and no identity information is collected.
Not getting any output?:
Your file might be too large. Files are currently limited to 8MB max. To get large file sizes have a look at Struc Scripts.
There might be too many items in the file. There is currently a limit of 8000 items in a file max.
In very rare occurrences, an item in a file may cause a problem. We would love to hear if this happens to you so we can address this.